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About Us
"Welcome to the living Stone, the source of life. The workmen took one look and threw it out; God set it in the place of honor. Present yourselves as building stones for the construction of a sanctuary vibrant with life, in which you’ll serve as holy priests offering Christ-approved lives up to God."
1 Peter 2:4-8
Living Stones Temple
Our History:
Living Stones Temple's first worship service was on November 7, 2010 in a Jewish synagogue (Temple Emanuel) on Highland Avenue in Birmingham, Alabama. There were 800 in attendance at the first worship. The title of the sermon was "Living Stones", preached from 1 Peter 2:5. It was the first step in an amazing journey for our young congregation.
The numbers continued to grow over the following weeks. Ten months later, we purchased our first facility at 1009 Walker Avenue in Fultondale, Alabama. The 60,000 square foot complex consisted of a commercial kitchen, a full gym, a playground, an 800-seat sanctuary, an administrative wing, numerous classrooms and so much more.
We exist to preach the gospel and to bring persons into a mature relationship with God and each other. Our goal is to truly be the dream fellowship. Loving God and neighbor in a manner that is consistent with the word of God.
Our Mission Statement:
We are committed to the preaching of the gospel and the discipling of men and women, boys and girls into authentic relationships with God and each other.
Our Pastor
Dr. AL B. Sutton Jr
Dr. A. B. Sutton Jr. is the founding Pastor of Living Stones Temple: The Dream Fellowship established in the fall of 2010. Sutton was ordained to preach at the tender age of 14.
He is an academically trained proclaimer of the Word of God, who earned a BA degree in Religion, from Bishop College in Dallas Texas, a Master of Divinity and Doctorate in Cross-Cultural Education both from Virginia Union School of Theology in Richmond, VA.
Dr. Sutton has been pastoring since 1987. His various speaking/preaching/teaching engagements include the African American Division of Southern Baptist Convention, National Baptist Convention of America w/Dr. Gardner C. Taylor, Progressive Baptist Convention of America, National Baptist Convention of America Inc., Virginia Union School of Theology, Howard University, Morehouse College, Miles College, Liberian Theological Seminary (Liberia, W. Africa), Samford University, George W. Truett Theological Seminary of Baylor University and Beason Divinity School.
Pastor Sutton is also a published author whose contributions can be found in Oxford Sermons 2008 - By Joel Gregory and What We Love About The Black Church – By William Crouch Jr. and Joel Gregory.
He is married to the former Terri R. Gaiter. They are the proud parents of two daughters Gabriel and Treasure and the late A. B. Sutton III.
The Dream Fellowship
The Dream Fellowship
Our Passion
We believe worship is an active response to God's initiative and revelation in a way that brings Him glory. The more we seek to understand and respond in this way, the more God will 'reveal' Himself to us, which inevitably will prompt a response from His creation. Worship is the overflow of a heart's realization of God's presence and power. Living Stones Temple encourages the body of Christ to respond to the mercy and grace given to us by the Lord. The Word of God gives us the template of 'true' worship:
"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." -John 4:23-24
Dr. A.B. Sutton Jr
Pastor and Founder
Terri Gaiter-Sutton
Chief Operating Officer
Remus Daniels
Chief Financial Officer
Jermaine Johnson
Youth Director
Francis Walton
Assistant to the Pastor
Dr. Reginald Jackson
Minister of Music
A.B. Sutton Sr.
Pastoral Care Minister
Gabriel Alexander
Media Coordinator
Andrew Tucker
Facilities Manager
Terrell Butler
Sound Engineer
Daniel Nixon
Visual and Audio
Shirley Banks
Junior Gaiter
Music Ministry Band Leader
Carrie Davis
Music Ministry Lead Vocialist
Alisha Reynolds
Music Ministry
Sam Shepard
Music Ministry
Brian Hill
Music Ministry
Raymond lacey
Music Ministry
Paul Ellis
New Members and Interpretive Sign Language
Virginia Appleby
Interpretive Sign Language
Verna Blaylock
Facilities Usuge / Rental
Felton Fomby
Chris Osborne
Mike Parks
Music Ministry
Arvonnie Blue
Congregational care
Anthony Minifee
Media / Bible Study
Aaliyah Taylor
Children and Youth
Stacy Stevens
Children and Youth
Jean Witlow
Intercessory Prayer
Phone: 205 -776-2716
Fax: 205-776-2896
Address: 1009 Walker Ave Fultondale AL 35207
Living Stones Temple© 2017 All rights reserved.